
Assisted Living Care For Cognitively Impaired People


People who are living with mild cognitive impairment, also known as MCI, may be able to live independently at home but when cognitive impairment progresses, living alone may no longer be an option. If your loved one has MCI, hiring around-the-clock caregivers may be a viable option, as might moving the individual into a family member's home. These options may not be feasible, however, because of financial reasons or because of work and other commitments family members may have.

20 October 2021

The Pros and Cons of Assisted Living Facilities


One of the hardest decisions to make is whether or not you should move an older person to an assisted living facility. The change can be scary. Yet there is so much to look forward to in assisted living programs. The most important benefit is that your loved ones will get all-day care, especially if they can no longer live independently. Being aware of the advantages and disadvantages of assisted living can reduce your fears.

11 June 2021

2 Commonly Asked Questions About In-Home Assisted Living Services


Getting older is a natural and inevitable part of the path through life. Unfortunately, aging can also be a difficult emotional and physical path to navigate, particularly when the aging process means that older people may not be able to live as independently as they have in the past. Many people in this situation fear that the physical limitations that age brings will mean they must transition into an aged care facility.

19 February 2021

When Is In Home Senior Care The Best Choice?


Making care decisions about an aging loved one is never a simple matter. However, there are some occasions when the decision is a little easier to make. Sometimes, in-home senior care is the best choice for your loved ones, especially when all the right elements are in place. These are circumstances in which in-home senior care may be the best option for your loved one. When Loved Ones Require Limited Assistance

2 December 2020

Senior Care Services


Taking care of a household becomes a bit complicated as one ages. A senior spouse, parent, or family member who needs support will not always mention the level of care they need. Adult children may be hesitant to immediately place their parent in a nursing home and want to seek out options in care. Here are a few tips for seeking out senior care services. Spending a few minutes to think about which level of care is needed is important.

10 September 2020

You Can Become a Stronger Caregiver with Helpful Tools


Do you care for somebody with dementia or Alzheimer's disease? If you are, you know that the journey can be difficult and often stressful. The good news? You don't have to do it alone. If you are a caregiver, you might wonder if there are resources available to help you. Read on to learn about available options so you and your loved one can have the best care possible. It's Not Easy Being a Caregiver

10 July 2020

Common Fears Of Older Adults & How In-Home Elder Care Can Help


All people have fears, but fears can change as you get older. Seniors face a lot of life changes and problems that the rest of society does not spend a lot of time thinking about. Here is a look at common fears older adults tend to have.  Being a Burden On Their Loved Ones  It is never a welcomed thought to have to cause any trouble to others, especially the people you love.

30 December 2019

Some Home Care Services Available For Your Senior Loved Ones


As people enter their senior years they may find living alone simply too hard. It doesn't matter whether they have physical limitations or mental ones; the fact is they may need help. Some families decide to take their loved ones to an assisted living community or even to a nursing home. Most seniors prefer to stay in the home they have lived in and feel most comfortable in. When this is the case, and the person is not in need of extreme medical support, home care services make the most sense.

10 October 2019

3 Tips For Discussing An Assisted Living Facility With Parents


The majority of senior citizens — 61 percent — want to age in place, with additional home care if needed. Unfortunately, this just isn't possible sometimes. They may have received a dementia diagnosis and are no longer safe being left alone for any length of time. Or perhaps they fell and broke their hip, or maybe their current caretaker or their spouse is no longer able to care for them.

14 August 2019

Is Care From A Family Member A Substitute For Assisted Living?


Many people receive long-term care from family or others. People who receive care at home may wonder if an assisted living solution is worth considering. Here are some ways to determine if assisted living homes are still the right choice for long-term care when someone already receives care at home. Can a Family Member Provide for All Needs? Long-term care needs can vary greatly between individuals. A family member taking care of someone may have the ability to help with some forms of care.

27 May 2019